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90 seconds. Turn phone landscape.

How it works.

Be there from anywhere

Our easy tools help families and professionals give support remotely. So everyone can feel safe, reassured and independent 24/7.

Tools you can all use

Simple set-up, no jumping between apps and no passwords to remember. 

Easily share voice messages, video calls, to-do lists and Google searches on phone and tablet.

Set reminders, see updates and schedule things to be shared later. So no one misses a thing.

Live life longer

We're all living longer lives, but perhaps not living our lives for longer. 

The reassurance that we're here for each other can give us confidence to live our lives and stay independent. And staying independent helps us be us for longer.

Feel together

Easily find, organize and do things remotely together or solo, whenever you like.

Use our simple all-in-one app for our fun activities, organizing things like a taxi or plumber, helping with tasks and admin and being there when meeting people.

Use it on iPhone and iPad and Android (Google) phone and tablet.